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May 22, 2019

Call for CCAC Guidelines Subcommittee Members

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is forming a subcommittee of volunteer experts to develop new species-specific guidelines on dogs. This document will replace chapter IX, volume 2 of the Guide for the care and use of experimental animals.

In keeping with the CCAC's inclusive nomination process, we would like to open this opportunity to all stakeholders to recommend qualified experts who may be suitable candidates (including scientists, veterinarians, technicians, animal welfare scientists1, behaviourists2 and public representatives). The terms of reference for this guidelines subcommittee .

All subcommittee members will be appointed to serve up to two years and should be committed to ensuring the steady progress of the guidelines document. Subcommittee members will work mostly through email and teleconference, and will be asked to contribute to the drafting and revision of the document. While the document is under development, subcommittee members may discuss its contents with trusted colleagues to obtain their opinion, but should not circulate drafts until officially released for review by the CCAC.

Members will be selected by the CCAC Governance and Nominations Committee and our Board of Directors, who will ensure that the collective expertise of the subcommittee covers the scope of the document being developed. Candidates not selected to sit on this subcommittee will be invited to act as reviewers of the draft document.

We would be grateful if you could forward the names, biographies, two- to four-page CV, statements of interest, and contact information of suitable candidates to the CCAC Secretariat at by June 21, 2019. Self-nominations are also accepted.

1 The intent of this role is to provide the perspective of someone who is qualified to inform the subcommittee about the expected impact that any particular aspect of the guidelines would have on the welfare of animals. Typically, this individual would hold an advanced degree in animal welfare. The individual selected should be highly familiar with the current scientific animal welfare literature, and committed to evidence-based decision making regarding the impact of the guidelines on the welfare of the animals.

2 The intent of this role is to provide the perspective of someone who has a recognized qualification in dog behaviour or dog training, including socialization. This may include professional behaviourists, professional veterinarians with a speciality in behaviour, employees from SPCAs with training in dog behaviour and socialization.

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